The Orchestra Today
The Baltimore Mandolin Orchestra is one of more than thirty-five or so active mandolin orchestras in the United States today. The classical mandolin is currently enjoying a renaissance in our country, and the BMO is proudly riding that wave of popularity.

The aim of the original BMO, as stated in the program for one of its first concerts back in 1925, was "to play the best Mandolin Music and further the cause of fretted instruments." We strive to uphold that goal to this day.
As noted on our home page, the BMO is an ensemble of mandolins, mandolas, mandocellos, mandobasses, and classical guitars. You all know what guitars look like, but you may not be as familiar with the mandolin family of instruments. You will see significant variations in the shape and color of these instruments in our orchestra, but this photo shows the basic style and comparative size of the teardrop-shaped American instruments. In the front, from left to right, are a mandolin, a mandola and a mandocello. And the mandobass is resting comfortably in the back.

The BMO's membership currently hovers around 20 players. We are primarily amateur musicians who have a deep affection for the mandolin and its music.
The BMO performs around 10-12 concerts per season (between September and May) in the Baltimore and south-central Pennsylvania area.

Mark Linkins, Music Director of the Baltimore Mandolin Orchestra